Synergy Health Partners

5 frequent hand injuries and how to treat them effectively

There’s a wide range of hand injuries that afflict the tendons, ligaments and muscles of fingers, palms and wrists, and it takes a medical specialist to properly diagnose and treat the conditions for a fast recovery.

A care plan can include rest, stretching exercises, physical therapy, a device to limit mobility and speed improvement, or in some cases, surgery will be required. The treatment depends on a number of factors, including how the injury was sustained and how long the person has experienced the issue, a person’s age and what their work and home life involves.

Here are the hand injuries Mendelson Kornblum’s medical staff can help you with:

Sprains and strains

Sprains are a result of ligament damage to the tissue that connects two bones, usually impacting the hand and wrist and an injury suffered due to excessive stress. A sprain occurs when tissues are overstretched and induce small tears to tissue fiber. Meanwhile, a strain consists of damage to the tendon that connects a muscle to a bone. Each issue will result in symptoms including pain and swelling and it is best to have a doctor determine what degree of injury you are dealing with. An X-ray or an MRI may be necessary as part of a complete evaluation. Rest, ice, compression and elevation are generally the best fix for the conditions, but surgery can also be an option.


Irritation and swelling that surrounds tendons are often the result of overuse of thick, cord-like tissue that connects muscles to bones. Those suffering from the condition experience pain and a loss of motion. DeQuervain’s stenosing tenosynovitis is frequently seen and can improve with short periods of rest in a splint and stretching exercises. More severe cases require alternative treatment at a doctor’s discretion.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Tingling, numbness, weakness, or pain of the fingers can be indications of Carpal tunnel syndrome, when a pinched nerve in the wrist leads to pain throughout a person’s hand and sometimes transfers as far as the shoulder. The injury is usually a result of consistent, repetitive motions and this is often suffered at work or during hobbies. Once identified, care can include adjusting the movement pattern, using a wrist splint or other methods determined by specialists.


There are many types and causes of arthritis, but the symptoms – pain, inflammation and limited mobility – are similar and require an expert to diagnose and properly treat the condition. Arthritis affects tissues inside joints where two or more bones connect. Eventually, the joints and the cartilage the protects them wear down and cause structural changes to hands and wrists that can be identified on X-rays. Courses of treatment depend on when the disease is identified and its severity.

Trigger finger

This condition is often discovered through a painful clicking or snapping when bending or straightening a finger and the sensation tends to get worse with rest. Trigger finger occurs when a tendon sheath thickens or swells and prevents it from moving smoothly. It is most common in the index finger and thumb, but can happen to all fingers depending on continued stressful movements. A physical exam will reveal if your hand pain is indeed trigger finger or another injury and the examiner will determine appropriate ways to treat the pain.

Call Mendelson Kornblum today to set an appointment with an expert who will help you recover.


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