Synergy Health Partners

Remission of Rheumatoid Arthritis is Possible With Early Treatment

If you’re suffering from swollen or tender joints, have difficulty performing tasks such as grasping objects or have unexplained joint pain, it may be time to talk with a Mendelson Kornblum specialist to learn more about Rheumatoid Arthritis and how early, aggressive treatment can lead to controlled symptoms, minimized discomfort or remission.

Disease control or remission can mean different things depending on individual patients. Whether you have an  occasional flare-up or constant pain and discomfort , the goal of Mendelson Kornblum specialists is to make sure RA isn’t negatively impacting your life.

There are various methods and treatments Mendelson Kornblum can recommend and the right one for you will depend on several factors:

  • How far the arthritis has progressed?
  • How many joints are involved?
  • Your age, activity level and other medical conditions
  • If the dominant or nondominant hand is affected
  • Your personal goals, home support structure, and ability to understand the treatment and comply with a therapy program

Based on each patient’s medical and family history, various treatment options are available and include:

  • Medications
  • Splinting
  • Injections
  • Surgery

Regardless of your symptoms or unique situation, early treatment is key in achieving remission. Mendleson Kornblum specialists stay up-to-date on breakthrough medications, treatment options and are equipped to make sure each patient has a comprehensive treatment plan.

Call today to set an appointment with one of our specialists!



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