Wrap Away Swelling, Embrace Comfort:
Revitalize with Compression

Compression Therapy Treatment in Michigan

Compression therapy is a treatment approach commonly used in occupational therapy to manage swelling and pain in various conditions. It involves the application of pressure to the affected area using specialized garments or bandages to promote the reduction of swelling and improve circulation. Finding an experienced, trustworthy physical therapist is the key to a successful recovery. Synergy Health Partners offers convenient access to quality compression therapy in Michigan and surrounding areas, including Livonia, Warren, and Shelby Township.

compression therapy

What is Compression Therapy Good For?

During compression therapy treatment, the increased pressure applied by compression garments and devices assists with venous function and improves blood circulation. This makes it helpful for many conditions related to venous disorders, swelling, skin changes, and blood flow issues in the lower limbs, such as:

  • Lymphedema
  • Traumatic Injuries
  • Edema following Surgery
  • Varicose Veins 
  • Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) 
  • Post-Thrombotic Syndrome 
  • Venous Ulcers 
  • Orthostatic Hypotension 
  • Leg Swelling 
  • Sports Recovery 

How Does Compression Therapy Work?

Compression therapy works by exerting external pressure on the affected area. This pressure helps to reduce the diameter of veins and lymphatic vessels, promoting better flow and preventing fluid from pooling in the tissues. By enhancing circulation, compression therapy aids in removing metabolic waste products, reducing inflammation, and facilitating the healing process.

Compression Garments

These are specially designed garments, such as socks, stockings, sleeves, or gloves, made from elastic materials. They are available in different sizes, lengths, and compression levels. Compression garments exert graduated pressure, meaning they provide the highest pressure at the extremities and gradually decrease as they move upward. This compression helps to improve venous and lymphatic circulation, reducing fluid buildup and swelling.

Compression Bandages

In some cases, compression bandages made of elastic or inelastic materials may be used instead of garments. Occupational therapists or healthcare professionals can apply these bandages in specific wrapping techniques to provide targeted compression. Bandages can be adjusted to achieve the desired level of pressure and accommodate changes in swelling.

Mechanism of Action

Compression therapy works by exerting external pressure on the affected area. This pressure helps to reduce the diameter of veins and lymphatic vessels, promoting better flow and preventing fluid from pooling in the tissues. By enhancing circulation, compression therapy aids in removing metabolic waste products, reducing inflammation, and facilitating the healing process.

Methods of Compression Therapy

These are specially designed garments, such as socks, stockings, sleeves, or gloves, made from elastic materials. They are available in different sizes, lengths, and compression levels. Compression garments exert graduated pressure, meaning they provide the highest pressure at the extremities and gradually decrease pressure as they move upward. This compression helps to improve venous and lymphatic circulation, reducing fluid buildup and swelling.

Compression Stockings

Compression Stockings are elastic garments that fit over the foot and leg that provide graduated compression. The highest level of compression is placed at the ankle and gradually decreases up the leg. Compression stockings are used for daily wear.

Compression Bandages

Compression wraps/bandages are typically made of elastic bandage material. These are applied by wrapping limb in layers and overlapping to achieve the desired compression gradient. Compression wraps typically require training to apply as well as frequent reapplication.

Medical-Grade Compression Hosiery

Medical-grade compression hosiery is prescription-based stockings made with precise graduated compression levels. These are used for chronic conditions like lymphedema and provide higher compression than regular store-bought hosiery.

Intermittent Pneumatic Compression

Intermittent pneumatic compression involves inflated garments or sleeves connected to an air pump with multiple chambers that sequentially inflate/deflate to promote circulation without restricting movement.

Compression Pumps

Compression pumps are devices that use pneumatic compression with single or multiple chambers to compress the limb rhythmically. Pumps offer high-level compression but limit mobility when in use.

It is typically recommended to wear compression garments while you are awake and remove them when sleeping. Compression bandages can often be worn all the time, with direction from your doctor. Our team of physical therapists in Michigan will give you specific instructions for how to apply and how long to wear your compression garments. 

Benefits of Compression Therapy

Some key benefits of compression therapy include: 

  • Improves blood flow in your legs by pushing blood back up your leg veins to prevent pooling or clotting.
  • Compression squeezes extra fluid from your legs and prevents more from building up, which minimizes swelling and edema.
  • Compression supports your leg muscles and veins, reducing heaviness, cramping, and fatigue.
  • The improved circulation lowers the chances of developing dangerous blood clots in your leg veins.
  • Compression keeps vein walls from stretching out and becoming varicose, which may make veins less visible.
  • Improved circulation delivers oxygen and nutrients to skin ulcers or irritated areas to help them heal quicker.
  • Compression allows you to remain active and on your feet longer without leg fatigue or swelling worsening.
  • Facilitates faster healing after vein ablation, sclerotherapy, or other vein interventions.
  • Compression therapy avoids medications, injections, or procedures. It’s a simple, non-invasive way to improve circulation.
  • Compression stockings and devices are usually covered to some extent by medical insurance with a prescription.

Compression Therapy in Michigan

Are you considering compression physcial therapy treatment in Michigan? Synergy Health Partners Physical Therapy offers personalized, outpatient care using evidence-based approaches to restore function and relieve pain. Our team of experienced physical therapists is treating in 3 convenient locations in Michigan, including Livonia, Warren, and Shelby Township.

© 2023 Synergy Health Partners


Standard Hours:
Mon. – Fri.
7:00 am – 7:00 pm

Shelby Township:
Mon – Fri.
9:00 am – 7:00 pm