Patient Journey

Patient is referred to by another Physician or healthcare professional.

Doctor taking notes

The patient calls in to schedule an initial evaluation from Physical Therapist.

Synergy Health Partners MRI Patient Journey Step 3

On the day of their evaluation, patients will fill out a questionnaire and their treatment plan is put together by their Physical Therapist. Physical Therapist will also determine patient follow-up appointments at this time as well.

Synergy Health Partners MRI Patient Journey Step 4

On the first day of their treatment plan, patients will undergo one-on-one treatment with their physical therapist who will supervise their recovery throughout their journey.

SHP PT One on One

Patient will engage in exercises, modalities, manual therapy (hands-on), and follow-ups on their home exercise program. Daily treatment time can range from 30 minutes to an hour depending on the patient’s need and medical necessity.

Patient Journey Step 5

Following their first month and on a monthly basis afterward, patients will receive a reassessment of their treatment plan where the physical therapist evaluates their progress.

PT Reassessment Checklist

Collaboratively plans an extension of patient treatment, or arranges a discharge plan if the patient’s reassessment evaluation determines the patient recovers.

Physician referring Patient

Patient’s documentation is then sent to their referring physician who signs off the physical therapist’s treatment plan every four weeks.

Synergy Health Partners MRI Patient Journey Step 5

When a patient is discharged, they will be provided a home exercise program that accommodates their living conditions and what equipment they have available.

Physical Therapy Home Exercise

Our patients have the option to enroll in our new Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) where our physical therapists will contact patients to follow up on their progress. (Important: This option is contingent upon insurance.)

Synergy Health Partners Physical Therapy logo
© 2023 Synergy Health Partners


Standard Hours:
Mon. – Fri.
7:00 am – 7:00 pm

Shelby Township:
Mon – Fri.
9:00 am – 7:00 pm