"Where Science Meets Healing Unleashing Potential with Physical Therapy Modalities"

Explore the Types of Physical Therapy Modalities

In physical therapy; modalities refer to various treatment techniques or interventions that are used to address pain, inflammation, tissue healing, and other aspects of rehabilitation. These modalities are typically non-invasive and aim to improve function, reduce pain, and enhance overall physical well-being. Our expert physical therapists at Synergy Health Partners offer a range of PT modalities to help you get back on your feet.


Electrical Stimulation

Electrical stimulation involves using small electrical currents to activate and strengthen muscles. Electrical stimulation is applied via electrodes to the skin over the target muscles. The electric current induces the muscles to contract, helping to prevent or slow atrophy due to inactivity or immobilization. It can also help re-educate muscles and reduce pain. 

Electrical stimulation is commonly used in physical therapy to treat muscle atrophy and weakness after injuries or surgeries such as total joint replacements or ACL repairs. It is also used for other neuromuscular conditions like stroke, multiple sclerosis, or incomplete spinal cord injuries. The stimulation helps exercise muscles that have become very weak or paralyzed in these conditions, which helps prevent disuse atrophy.

Heat Therapy

Heat therapy involves applying heat to the body to promote healing and relieve pain. In physical therapy, heat is used to warm up muscles and joints prior to exercise. It helps improve circulation, loosen tissues, and decrease joint stiffness and muscle spasms. Heat also blocks pain signals and relaxes muscles to aid in pain relief. 

Some common heat therapy modalities used in physical therapy include moist hot packs, heating pads, paraffin wax baths, fluidotherapy, and infrared heat lamps or saunas. Heat therapy can be used to treat both acute and chronic conditions such as arthritis, back pain, fibromyalgia, strains/sprains, and musculoskeletal injuries. It may also help reduce inflammation and ease pain from conditions like neuropathy or neurological conditions. Applying heat is often used alongside other treatments like massage, joint mobilization, electrical stimulation, and therapeutic exercise.

Cold Therapy

Cold therapy, also known as cryotherapy, involves applying cold temperatures to the body for medical benefits and healing. Cold modalities are used in physical therapy during the acute stages of soft tissue injuries like sprains and strains to help decrease swelling, inflammation, pain, and muscle spasms. These modalities may include ice packs, gel packs, ice massages, or cold water immersion baths. 

Cold temperatures cause vasoconstriction, slowing blood flow to the area, which reduces pressure, edema, and bleeding into the tissues. It may also slow cellular metabolism and nerve conduction velocity temporarily, providing numbness and pain relief. Cold therapy is typically used for sudden sports injuries (sprains, strains), postoperative swelling, back injuries (strains, spasms), and arthritis pain. It can also help accelerate recovery by reducing fatigue in chronic conditions like multiple sclerosis or fibromyalgia.

Ultrasound Therapy

Ultrasound therapy uses high-frequency sound waves directed into the tissues via a transducer or applicator that is moved over the skin. In physical therapy, ultrasound is used to generate deep heat and promote healing in chronically injured or painful tissues like tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints. The mechanical vibration helps increase blood flow to the area as well. This aids in reducing pain, muscle spasms, and stiffness while facilitating oxygen and nutrient exchange to assist with tissue regeneration and repair.

Ultrasound is frequently used to help heal repetitive strain injuries, back/neck pain, osteoarthritis pain, strains and sprains, tendinitis, capsulitis, fasciitis, muscle tears, and myofascial trigger points. The thermal and nonthermal effects provide pain relief and anti-inflammatory effects to accelerate recovery in both acute injuries and chronic orthopedic or musculoskeletal conditions. It can also help prepare the tissues for mobilization and therapeutic exercises.


Iontophoresis involves using a small electrical current to deliver topical medications deep into the tissues for pain relief or healing. Iontophoresis is used as a physical therapy modality to administer anti-inflammatory or numbing agents through the skin when oral medications are not preferred or tolerated. This allows higher concentrations of a drug to reach the exact site of injury versus circulating systemically if taken orally or through injections. The main compound delivered is dexamethasone phosphate to help reduce inflammation in chronic tendonitis or bursitis. Lidocaine or other analgesics may also be used to provide localized numbing and pain relief.

Common conditions treated with iontophoresis include things like lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow), Achilles tendonitis, trochanteric bursitis, TMJ dysfunctions, carpal tunnel syndrome, or arthritis in joints like hands, knees, or shoulders that need localized anti-inflammatory effects without systemic absorption. The electrical current helps ‘push’ the medication into the tissue without injection.

Mechanical Traction

Mechanical traction helps relieve pressure on compressed nerves. It reduces herniated disc protrusion symptoms by using a special device to apply a sustained pulling force to stretch and mobilize joint structures and relax muscles. It helps elongate tight soft tissues and mobilize joints that are restricted in movement due to conditions like osteoarthritis, disc herniations, or radiculopathy (pinched nerves). Traction modalities keep the area gently elongated using equipment like inversion tables, flexion/extension traction tables, or overdoor cervical traction units. It helps joints decompress and gives clinicians a better chance of reducing painful joint or nerve root compression. Common conditions traction is used for include cervical and lumbar disc herniations, sciatica, degenerative disc disease, facet dysfunction, pre-surgery spinal decompression, and muscle tension or injury rehabilitation. Traction is not appropriate for fractures, infections, osteoporosis, or instability.

The traction helps joints, nerves, and muscle tissues return to more normal mobility before therapeutic exercises commence. It prepares the area for movement-based treatment.

Dry Needling

Dry needling involves inserting thin filiform needles into trigger points in muscles or connective tissues to release tight bands or knots (without injecting any fluid – thus “dry”). In physical therapy, dry needling helps deactivate myofascial trigger points that cause localized pain and muscle dysfunction. The needles briefly stimulate these irritable spots to elicit a local twitch response that abruptly relieves muscle tension, improves microcirculation, and accelerates healing. 

Dry needling is used to treat neuromusculoskeletal pain conditions such as neck/shoulder pain, low back injuries, headaches, knee pain, tennis elbow, Achilles tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, and neuropathy. It provides pain relief and improved range of motion across many common orthopedic, sports injury, and chronic pain conditions. Patients also engage in stretching and strengthening exercise programs to maintain gains from the needling procedure. Research shows dry needing provides pain relief equivalent to injections with steroids or analgesics – without the potential side effects.

Find a Physical Therapist in Michigan Today!

Looking for a qualified physical therapist in Michigan? Synergy Health Partners provides comprehensive physical therapy services to help restore comfort and get you moving again. Whatever your condition, our goal is to provide pain relief while improving mobility and function. Don’t let injuries or chronic issues keep you sidelined. Schedule a consultation today with Synergy Health Partners to explore how our multimodal physical therapy services can help you regain your strength. Our team of experienced physical therapists is treating in 3 convenient locations in Michigan, including Livonia, Warren, and Shelby Township.

© 2023 Synergy Health Partners


Standard Hours:
Mon. – Fri.
7:00 am – 7:00 pm

Shelby Township:
Mon – Fri.
9:00 am – 7:00 pm