Michigan Muscle & Joint Pain Treatment: Embrace a Pain-Free Life

Freedom from Pain, Embrace the Gain

The treatment of muscle and joint pain in physical therapy involves a comprehensive approach aimed at reducing pain, improving mobility, restoring function, and promoting long-term recovery. Our physical therapists utilize various techniques and interventions to address muscle and joint pain.

Muscle & Joint Pain Treatment

Causes of Muscle and Joint Pain

Muscle and joint pain can originate from a variety of factors, including injuries, overuse, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and nerve compression or damage. Injuries like strains, sprains, fractures, and dislocations can cause acute pain and lead to chronic issues if not properly rehabilitated. Repetitive movements and poor posture also commonly contribute to pain in muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints over time. Diseases like osteoarthritis break down cartilage and bone, while rheumatoid arthritis causes joint inflammation.

Areas We Treat






Sacroiliac Joint







If you are experiencing pain or stiffness in any of these areas as a result of injury or another associated condition, schedule an appointment today to meet with one of our physical therapists in Michigan and begin creating a customized rehabilitation plan.

Benefits of Physical Therapy

Physical therapists employ techniques like stretching, strengthening exercises, hands-on joint mobilization, and soft tissue massage to treat muscle and joint pain. Goal-oriented exercise programs help stabilize joints, improve mobility and flexibility, increase strength, and prevent reinjury. Modalities like heat, ice, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation may also be used to manage pain and inflammation. Additionally, physical therapists instruct patients on proper body mechanics and posture principles.

With consistent therapy and patient compliance with home exercise programs, most causes of musculoskeletal pain can be improved or resolved through conservative physical therapy treatment before considering medications or surgery. Working with an experienced physical therapist can help you regain your comfort and provide you with valuable techniques that lessen your chance for reinjury.

Treatment for Muscle and Joint Pain:
What to Expect

Evaluation and Assessment

Our physical therapist conducts a thorough evaluation to assess the underlying cause and nature of the muscle or joint pain. This may include examining the affected area, assessing the range of motion, strength, and flexibility, and performing special tests to identify specific impairments.

Pain Management

Our therapists employ various pain management strategies to alleviate pain and discomfort. This may include modalities such as heat or cold therapy, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, or manual therapy techniques. The goal is to reduce pain levels and promote a more comfortable environment for rehabilitation.

Manual Therapy

Hands-on techniques are utilized to address muscle and joint pain. These may include joint mobilizations, soft tissue mobilization, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, and manual stretching. Manual therapy helps improve joint mobility, reduce muscle tension, and alleviate pain.

Therapeutic Exercise

Targeted exercises are prescribed to address muscle weakness and imbalance and improve joint stability. Strengthening exercises help support the affected joint and surrounding muscles while stretching exercises improve flexibility and range of motion. Our therapists design an individualized exercise program tailored to the specific needs and goals of the patient.

Functional Training

Our physical therapists focus on restoring functional abilities required for daily activities and specific goals. This may involve simulating functional movements, balance training, proprioceptive exercises, and coordination drills. The goal is to enhance the patient’s ability to perform activities of daily living, work tasks, or sports-specific movements.

Patient Education

Our Michigan PTs educate patients to improve body mechanics, ergonomics, postural awareness, and pain management. This empowers patients to manage musculoskeletal problems with confidence.

Home Exercise Program

Our therapists may recommend assistive devices, orthotics, or modifications to the individual’s environment to reduce pain and optimize function. This may involve suggesting ergonomic changes at the workplace or providing recommendations for adaptive equipment.

Functional Adaptations

Our therapists may recommend assistive devices, orthotics, or modifications to the individual’s environment to reduce pain and optimize function. This may involve suggesting ergonomic changes at the workplace or providing recommendations for adaptive equipment.

Gradual Return to Activity

If appropriate, the physical therapist guides the individual through a gradual return to desired activities, sports, or work tasks. This involves progressive loading, activity modification, and performance optimization techniques to minimize the risk of re-injury.

Ongoing Monitoring and Support

The therapist monitors the individual’s progress, provides feedback, and makes necessary adjustments to the treatment plan as needed. Regular follow-up appointments may be scheduled to ensure continued progress and address any concerns.

Joint and Muscle Pain Treatment in Michigan

You do not have to live with bothersome muscle and joint pain. Synergy Health Partners physical therapy team offers personalized outpatient care using evidence-based approaches to restore function and relieve pain. Our team of experienced physical therapists is treating in 3 convenient locations in Michigan, including Livonia, Warren, and Shelby Township.

© 2023 Synergy Health Partners


Standard Hours:
Mon. – Fri.
7:00 am – 7:00 pm

Shelby Township:
Mon – Fri.
9:00 am – 7:00 pm